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What Questions Should You Ask About Ostomies To Your Nursing Assistant

Ostomies To Your Nursing Assistant

It’s an unfortunate fact that a lot of patients have to go through ostomy care. They’re pretty common, especially after a surgical procedure, and a lot of nursing assistants will be involved in the care of a patient who has been given an ostomy. Ostomies can be as minor as a hernia repair to as severe as stage 4 colon cancer. It all depends on the type of surgery required and the organ(s) being affected by the change.

What questions should you ask about ostomies to your Nursing Assistant? Being an ostomy patient isn’t easy, but having the right nursing assistant and colostomy care with ConvaTec can make it easier.

How many types of ostomies do you know about?

A colostomy is a type of ostomy that is located in the colon. An ileostomy is another type of ostomy located in the small intestine. A urostomy is a type of ostomy located in the urinary system.

There are many different kinds of colostomies. Each type is named after its location in the body. For example, a transverse colostomy is located just below the belly button. A loop colostomy is located just below the belly button and connected to the stoma via a stoma tube called a j-pouch. A urostomy is located in the urinary system. An ostomy in the stomach is called a gastrocolostomy, and an ostomy in the trachea (the windpipe) is called a tracheostomy.

Are old people more prone to have ostomies?

Now, some people might wonder why a baby would have a colostomy. To put it simply, there are defects in a baby’s bowels or bladder which can cause them to be born with an ostomy.  Many teens and adults have developed ostomies due to accidents or risk factors such as smoking, obesity, and hereditary conditions such as cystic fibrosis. Although there is no cure for an ostomy, most people with an ostomy can lead normal lives without serious complications.

The bottom line about stomas is that they don’t have to be a problem, and you can learn to live normally with a stoma and still enjoy life. In fact, many ostomates see their stoma as an advantage because they get fewer colds and flus, experience fewer digestive problems, and usually live longer than people without ostomies.

Who is an enterostomal therapist?

In short, an enterostomal therapist is a specialist who helps people with stomas.An enterostomal therapist (ET) is a nurse with extra training to take care of people with colostomies and ileostomies. They work in hospitals, nursing homes, and people’s homes, and they help patients and their families cope with the practical and psychological challenges of having a stoma.

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Is an ostomy always permanent?

You may be shocked to learn that an ostomy is not always permanent. It’s something you may have never even considered before because there are so many stigmas involved with living with an ostomy. If you have been diagnosed with a disease or disorder that requires an ostomy, life will never be the same again. This is something I have learned over the past year while going through Ulcerative Colitis. An ostomy can deeply affect your life and how you see yourself. However, having a permanent ostomy doesn’t always mean you don’t have options.

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