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The Top Interior Design Trends for Short-Term Rentals

The Top Interior Design Trends for Short-Term Rentals

When it comes to short-term rentals, creating an inviting and stylish space is crucial to attracting guests and ensuring positive reviews. You need an adequate short-term rental management strategy to enhance the appeal of your property and attract more guests. 

As the hospitality industry continues to evolve, interior design trends for short-term rentals have also undergone transformations. Here, we explore some of the top interior design trends currently making waves in the world of short-term rentals.

Interior Design Trends to Enhance Short-Term Rentals

Biophilic Design

Bringing the outdoors in has become a significant trend in interior design, and it’s especially fitting for short-term rentals. Biophilic design emphasizes the connection between humans and nature, creating spaces that evoke a sense of tranquility and well-being. Incorporating natural elements, such as indoor plants, natural light, and sustainable materials, can significantly enhance the appeal of a short-term rental.

Start by introducing indoor plants strategically throughout the space. Not only do plants add a touch of greenery and freshness, but they also improve indoor air quality and create a calming atmosphere. Biophilic design should be part of your STR strategy to create a unique property that will generate steady passive real estate income. 

Consider incorporating large windows or skylights to maximize natural light, which brightens up the space and creates a sense of openness and connection to the outdoors. Additionally, use sustainable materials like bamboo flooring, reclaimed wood, or organic fabrics to promote an eco-friendly environment. These elements create a refreshing ambiance that will leave a lasting impression on guests.

Minimalist and Functional Spaces

In recent years, the minimalist design approach has gained immense popularity and has found its way into short-term rentals. Guests now seek spaces that are clutter-free, well-organized, and optimized for functionality. The minimalist design embraces simplicity, clean lines, and a neutral color palette, creating a calming and serene environment for guests to unwind.

Cleaning up the area is one of the main tenets of minimalist design. To make a space feel open and expansive, remove extraneous stuff and only maintain what is necessary. Choose modern, multipurpose furniture to make the most of your available space. 

Consider a sofa that can be reconfigured to fit various group sizes or a storage bed with built-in drawers. This minimalist design’s simple, visually appealing environment also allows visitors to personalize the space with their belongings, giving it a more at-home feel.

Unique Art and Statement Pieces

To make a short-term rental stand out from the competition, incorporating unique art pieces and statement furniture is an excellent way to create a memorable experience for guests. Artworks, whether paintings, sculptures, or prints, can add personality and visual interest to the space, creating a sense of cultural immersion.

Consider collaborating with local artists to showcase their creations in your rental. This gives the area more authenticity while also helping the local arts scene. Select items representative of the region’s history, culture, or scenery. Additionally, pay attention to statement pieces of furniture that draw attention and provoke discussion. 

A focal point can give the property more personality and charm, such as an eye-catching lighting fixture, an eye-catching sofa, or an antique coffee table. By incorporating these one-of-a-kind items, hosts can improve the rental’s overall look and provide their visitors with a unique experience.

Technology Integration

Smart technology integration has become a crucial part of the short-term rental architecture in our increasingly digital society. Today’s visitors anticipate convenience and seamless connectivity when traveling. Installing smart home appliances can improve the entire visitor experience and give them a sense of modern comfort. 

Examples include voice-activated assistants, smart thermostats, and keyless access systems.

  • Start by equipping the rental with a voice-activated assistant, like Amazon Alexa or Google Assistant, that can help guests with their inquiries, provide information about the local area, or control various smart devices in the space. 
  • Smart thermostats allow guests to adjust the temperature to their liking, ensuring optimal comfort. 
  • Consider installing a keyless entry system that will enable guests to access the rental using a smartphone app or a personalized code, eliminating the need for physical keys and streamlining the check-in process. 

These smart technology integrations add convenience and help hosts manage their properties more efficiently, enabling remote control and monitoring of various systems.

Color Psychology and Personalization

The ambiance and mood of space are greatly influenced by color; therefore, a short-term rental design that considers color psychology can significantly improve visitor experiences. While adding splashes of color can add personality and produce a distinctive ambiance, neutral color schemes have long been preferred for their relaxing effect.

Consider selecting a color scheme that aligns with the desired mood of the rental. For example, soft blues and greens can evoke a sense of tranquility and relaxation, making them perfect for beachside or nature-inspired rentals. Vibrant yellows and oranges can energize and uplift the space, ideal for urban or lively city rentals. Incorporate the chosen color palette through accent walls, decorative accessories, and textiles like throw pillows or curtains.

Sustainable and Eco-Friendly Design

Due to rising environmental consciousness, short-term rental properties are increasingly being designed using eco-friendly and sustainable materials. More and more visitors seek accommodations supporting their ethical principles and minimizing their ecological impact.

Make the rental’s construction and furnishings out of sustainable resources. 

  • Invest in furniture made of recycled or repurposed materials. 
  • To reduce energy usage, consider using LED lights and energy-efficient appliances. 
  • To encourage water conservation, use water-saving appliances like low-flow toilets and showerheads.
  • Incorporate recycling bins and provide clear instructions on how guests can participate in recycling efforts. 
  • Use eco-friendly cleaning products that are non-toxic and biodegradable. 

These small steps can make a big difference in creating an environmentally conscious space and attracting eco-conscious travelers.

Highlight your eco-friendly initiatives in your rental listing and communicate your commitment to sustainability. Guests who prioritize environmental responsibility will appreciate your efforts and are more likely to choose your rental over others.

Seamless Indoor-Outdoor Flow

Another popular trend in design for short-term rentals is seamlessly merging interior and outdoor areas. Whether it’s a balcony, patio, or garden, guests value having access to outside spaces that act as an extension of the living room.

To create a welcoming ambiance, furnish outside spaces with attractive chairs, soft cushions, and outdoor rugs. Consider including a dining space or a grill so visitors may enjoy meals outside. Use attractive screens or foliage to increase privacy.

Ensure that indoor spaces have large windows or glass doors that provide unobstructed views of the outdoor areas. This allows natural light to flood the space and creates a sense of connection with nature. Coordinate the color schemes and design elements between indoor and outdoor spaces to maintain a cohesive look.

By blurring the boundaries between indoor and outdoor spaces, you create an expanded living area that appeals to guests seeking a seamless blend of comfort and nature.


Incorporating minimalist and functional spaces, biophilic design, unique art and statement pieces, technology integration, color psychology, versatile and multi-functional spaces, sustainable design, and seamless indoor-outdoor flow are key trends for creating inviting and memorable short-term rentals. By embracing these trends, hosts can enhance guest experiences, stand out in the market, and ensure the success of their rentals.

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