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5 Essential Decorating Tips for a Guest Bedroom

Decorating tips for Guest Bedroom

One of the many advantages of creating a beautiful home is to live in it and host your friends and family. Welcoming your loved ones into the embrace of your warm and exquisitely decorated home is a joy that cannot be described in words.

Creating a functional yet charming guest room is essential to every individual who loves hosting people at home. If you are one of them, here are some fundamental yet vital tips to help you decorate your guest bedroom elegantly.

5 Essential Tips for Decorating Your Guest Bedroom

Do you know what is considered an ideal guest room? A space that is clean, comfortable, and reminds you of home while being away from it. However, that room must reflect the taste and personal influences of the homeowner as well. 

Whether you add a rug or designer cordless bedside lamps, here are some simple tips and tricks to decorate the ultimate guest room.

Create a Warm and Inviting Space:

A few considerate and special touches go a long way in making the guests feel welcome into your home and the room. However, the changes and inclusions do not have to be very complex or expensive. Even the most straightforward changes can make a massive difference in the look and feel of the guest room. Here are some ideas for you to execute:

  • Deep cleaning the room and dusting it a day before your guests arrive
  • Providing basic toiletries like hand soap, body wash, shampoo and set our fresh towels
  • Placing a diffuser or lighting scented candles in the room
  • Putting out bright flowers on the coffee table or bedside table
  • Layer bedding like in hotels for comfortable sleep. This idea is, however, optional. But try to provide them with blankets if they feel cold at night.

Proper Lighting:

You can install many types of lighting fixtures in the guest bedroom to create layered lighting. You can choose from elegant chandeliers, minimalistic pendant lights, floor lamps, dimmers, and LED lights.

While installing lighting fixtures is done during construction, changing them afterwards is time-consuming and expensive. However, there is another way to enhance guest room lighting.

Introducing cordless bedside lamps running on rechargeable batteries is an excellent way to add dimension and depth to the room. Other than that, these table lamps also work great as a reading light. These designer bedside lamps are sustainable as they are powered by rechargeable batteries and are a good lighting option for your guest room.

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Choose a Comfortable Bed:

The highlight of any bedroom – guest or personal – is the bed. Invest in a spacious bed that complements the guest room size and a premium quality mattress to make your guests comfortable. Even if you have to spend a few extra bucks for the mattress, try it because a comfortable bed is the first requirement of any guest room.

Once you get the bed, use clean, ironed bed sheets, fluffy pillows, quilts, and throws to decorate the bed. Introduce a few cushions to make things more exciting and colourful. 

Provide Ample Storage Space:

A guest room without storage is a job half done. If your guest room has a closet, dust and clean it up so the guests can store their luggage. Ample storage space ensures that your guests are not living out of a suitcase during their stay.

If your guest room does not have a closet, you can bring in sturdy luggage racks and foldable closets to store the items. Also, stock the cabinets with good-quality, strong hangers for your guests to keep their coats.

Provide Creature Comforts:

Stocking up the guest room with necessary toiletries is excellent. Still, sometimes we forget many more things than a toothbrush or toothpaste. Include a basket of disposable slippers and washcloths, along with the additional toiletries in the guest room.

Most people forget to pack slippers during the trip. These slippers are convenient during winter if the floor is made of tiles or wood. Apart from slippers, you can also stock up on plush bathrobes, their favourite books, board games, and sanitisers as well.

Wrapping Up:

Guest rooms are essential to your home and provide visitors with a private corner to relax and get comfortable. These tips will help you create a lovely and cosy guest room to help them enjoy their stay.

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