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Navigating Passion: Tips for Deciding What to Be When You Grow Up

When you’re young and unsure of what you want to do when you grow up, choosing a professional path can be a difficult undertaking. It’s common to experience a sense of overload due to the abundance of choices and the pressure to make the “best” decision. However, it’s crucial to keep in mind that your career journey is a process and that it’s acceptable for your opinions to change as you go. We’ll go over some realistic actions you can take in this post to help you find your passions, assess your skills and limitations, look into job possibilities, get advice, get experience, make a choice, and create goals. You’ll be better able to navigate the job market and choose a career that is both enjoyable and financially rewarding with these skills in hand.

Explore your interests and passion:

Finding your hobbies and passions is the first step in deciding what you should do with your life when you grow up. What topics or activities do you like to engage in? What inspires you or gives you energy? These are the things that can point you in the direction of a profession that you’ll enjoy.

Consider your hobbies, extracurricular activities, and any other interests you may have before you begin. Make a list of everything, no matter how minor, that comes to mind. You can also wish to ask your friends and family what they perceive your strengths to be or what they have observed you to appreciate.

Start looking at careers that fit with your possible interests and passions after you have a list of them. You might find that your interests link to a variety of career alternatives, or you might come across brand-new professions that you hadn’t previously considered.

It’s ok if your hobbies change over time, but keep that in mind. This is a typical aspect of maturing and discovering new things. Keep your mind open to new experiences and your curiosity.

Identify your strengths and weaknesses:

The next step is to determine your strengths and weaknesses after determining your hobbies and passions. Choosing a career that complements your skills and personality can be made easier if you are aware of your strengths and potential areas for improvement.

Consider the abilities you excel at or the things that come naturally to you as a way to determine your strengths. Problem-solving, communication, creativity, and attention to detail are a few examples of these. To learn more about your skills, you might also wish to take personality quizzes or career assessments.

Consider your struggles or places where you lack the confidence to determine your shortcomings. These might include skills like time management, organization, or public speaking. It’s crucial to keep in mind that everyone has shortcomings and that these deficiencies may be strengthened through practice and hard work.

You can begin exploring job routes that play to your strengths and help you work on your limitations once you have a better awareness of your skills and weaknesses. If you’re creative, for instance, you might think about working in marketing, design, or writing. If public speaking is difficult for you, you might look for employment that doesn’t demand much of it or enroll in classes to hone your abilities. Alternatively, seeking guidance from a public speaking consultant from Thought Leader could be beneficial. They can offer personalized strategies and feedback to improve your public speaking skills. This way, you can open up more career opportunities that require effective communication, broadening your professional scope.

Always keep in mind that determining your strengths and shortcomings is a continuous process. You might find new skills and limitations as you acquire experience and attempt new things, which can point you in the direction of various career options.

Research your career options:

Finding a career that fits your interests, passions, strengths, and weaknesses is the next step after you have a better grasp of them.

Make a list of potential occupations that interest you and then explore each one individually to get started. Look up details about work responsibilities, educational and training requirements, employment prospects, and average pay. To learn more about what it’s like to work in such sectors every day, you can either seek job advertisements or speak with people who already do.

Attending career fairs or networking events is another approach to investigating employment alternatives. This may present an opportunity for you to interact with experts from other fields and get knowledge about their experiences.

Keep an open mind throughout this process and take into account potential career paths that you may not have previously considered. You might be astonished to learn that there are professions out there that exactly match your interests and passions but that you never knew existed.

Consider the work market and emerging trends as you investigate your career alternatives. To guarantee that you will have secure employment in the future, it is critical to select a career path that is in demand and has a favorable job outlook.

Seek guidance and advice from mentors:

Finding out what you should be as you grow up requires asking mentors for guidance and advice. A mentor is a person with experience in the subject you want to work in who can offer you, insightful counsel.

Start by looking within your social and professional networks to find a mentor. You might know someone who works as a teacher, coach, or family friend in the profession you want. Ask them to meet with you to discuss their career path and provide advice by getting in touch with them.

Consider contacting professional associations or alumni networks if you don’t already have any connections in the industry you want to work in. These organizations frequently offer mentoring programs via which you can get in touch with experts in your area of interest.

Bring a list of inquiries and topics for discussion to your meeting with a mentor. Inquire about their professional path, the aspects of their work they like best, the difficulties they encounter, and any advice they would provide to someone just starting out in the industry.

Additionally, it’s crucial to keep in touch with your mentor and update them on your progress. They can help you along your career path by providing advice and encouragement.


Finally, deciding what you want to be when you grow up is a process that requires patience, introspection, and investigation. You can select a professional path that fits your beliefs, talents, and ambitions by exploring your interests and passions, assessing your strengths and weaknesses, looking into employment possibilities, and consulting mentors.

Read More: 4 Tips For Those Looking To Enter The Teaching Sector

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