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Discover The 9 Main Areas Of Dentistry To Work In

Discover The 9 Main Areas Of Dentistry To Work In

Taking a course in dentistry, as with other areas of health, brings confidence to professionals. Especially because there will always be people who need special care to take care of their smile, do you agree? Not to mention that specializations bring several possibilities and greatly expand the types of dentist performance.

Thus, we can say that, even with changes in the job market, the dentist will always be a necessary specialist. So, if you are interested in the profession, you are in the right post!

Next, we will talk about the main areas of dentistry, their characteristics and their advantages. Follow along to learn more about your future profession!

What Are The Main Areas Of Dentistry?

In addition to being traditional, the area of ​​Dentistry has different sectors already consolidated in the market. Including, once the professional specializes in one of these segments, they will automatically be able to open the doors to excellent job opportunities.

Faced with so many alternatives, it is common to be in doubt when making this decision. Therefore, the first step is to take it easy and analyze each existing area in detail. Only after this process will you have a sufficient basis to identify which niche best matches your profile and expectations. Let’s go!

Paediatric dentistry

Paediatric Dentistry is one of the areas in which dentists work to promote children’s dental health. This professional also helps parents with educational resources, for example, about oral hygiene for babies.

It is recommended that a dental visit occurs within 6 months of the child’s first tooth or 1 year’s birthday. This follow-up can help in cases where braces have to be used since childhood to expand the mouth.

General practitioner

This is one of the most well-known areas of dentistry and you have certainly consulted with this professional. The general practitioner takes care of oral health in a broad way, being responsible for cleaning, and treating cavities and tartar, in addition to restorations when necessary. He is the first dentist who makes contact with the patient and, therefore, can refer him to other professionals.


Orthodontics is another area of ​​dentistry that can bring advances to people’s well-being. This branch deals with the diagnosis, prevention and correction of malposition teeth and jaws. Correcting the positioning of the teeth is important both to improve bites and to align the teeth, which will bring more self-esteem and the desire to smile.


Endodontics focuses on the health of the gums and dental pulp, performing diagnosis, prevention and treatment of diseases and injuries in the region. It is worth mentioning that this specialization of Dentistry has evolved a lot in the last decade and its applications have immensely improved the quality of dental treatment. By enabling surgery in the tissue and pulp cavity, in addition to bringing more clarity to root canal treatments and dental trauma, this can be accomplished.

Implant Dentistry

Implantology is intended to develop tooth implants, whether total, partial or removable. This area of ​​Dentistry is also capable of diagnosing the bone structures of the jaws, as well as changes in the mucous membranes so that the prosthesis is more suitable.

Cosmetic dentistry

Surely you’ve come across some digital influencer talking about the teeth whitening treatment he did, right? But the options go much further, such as the use of dental contact lenses, varnishing, crowns, etc. The dentist who wishes to excel in this field, also known as Dental Dentistry, should specialize in each treatment and keep up with the latest developments.

Dental radiology

Sometimes cavities are so hidden between teeth that a traditional evaluation cannot find them. To obtain more accurate images, the field uses conventional radiology – digitalized tomography and magnetic resonance imaging. Dental radiology also allows a better understanding of the advances of a treatment.

Forensic Dentistry

Of all areas of Dentistry, this specialization has a different importance. In Forensic Dentistry, the professional works together with Forensic Medicine and Criminalistics to carry out craniofacial and dental analyses of people. This makes it possible to identify their names and elucidate cases. The duration of the specialization takes about a year and a half.


Ageing rates around the world have grown. Therefore, specialization in Geriatric Dentistry is so necessary. The pathologies of the elderly are different from those of children or adults, as are the medications and treatments. Throughout the specialization course, the professional also learns different ways of treating the public to bring more quality of life.

Now It’s Up To You!

There are several areas of dentistry for different profiles of dentists. You will surely find yours! Remember to have a faculty of excellence that contributes to your employability.

Also, Check – How To Apply For An Online Job?

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