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As Part Of Its Liable Ml Campaign, Twitter Declares It Will Research Any “unintentional Injuries” Caused By Its Formulas. (karissa Bell/engadget)

Its Liable Ml Campaign

In various countries, unintentional injuries are responsible for 5 to 6% of all hospitalizations covered by the Unified Health System (SUS), generating hospital costs of 8% of total hospitalization costs.

As a leading cause of morbidity and mortality in childhood, unintentional injuries in the home environment pose an important public health issue. What is needed is the deepening of studies and research on its characteristics, magnitude and impact on the lives of parents and child victims.

A child is considered an individual aged between zero and ten years old (WHO, 2002). Currently, the term “accident” is being replaced by “preventable unintentional injuries” or “unintentional injuries”, since the term refers to chance and unpredictability, and most of these accidents can be prevented through education, changes in the environment, and compliance with legislation and specific regulations. Therefore, in this present study, the term “unintentional injuries” will be used.

Children are at greater risk for unintentional injuries. At this stage of developmental life, the child is curious, restless, inexperienced, exploring, active, and unable to identify danger. The dispersed adult may facilitate unintentional injuries in the home environment. The home environment is defined as the main place of occurrence of unintentional injuries, as it is where the child stays the longest.

As the causes of death among children less than ten years of age in 2006, runovers (29.3%), drownings (21.1%), risks to breathing (15.4%), aggressions (7.0%), and falls (5.1%) were the primary causes.

Unintentional injuries in childhood are responsible not only for a large proportion of deaths but also for non-fatal injuries such as encephalopathy, near-drowning anoxia, scarring and disfigurement due to burns. These will cause great harm to individuals who are in the growth and development phase.

Most unintentional injuries in the home environment that occur in children can be avoided through family guidance. This includes taking care of sockets, hot pans, physical changes in the home space, and storing cleaning materials and medicines in places out of reach of children. Therefore, it is important to include educational campaigns and actions to prevent unintentional injuries in the home environment for parents and children.

Final Considerations

Unintentional injuries in childhood are constant. This is because children have inherent characteristics that increase the risk of adverse effects. The main ones are burns, falls, exogenous intoxication, penetration by foreign bodies, being run over and drowning.

Preventative measures should be available, including education and coping programs and heightened sensitivity to notifications. These strategies will make the issue more visible. Thus, this study does not conclude the theme, opening up horizons for future research.

For more news visit Lemony Blog.

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