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7 Signs Of Damage In Commercial Roofs

Commercial Roofs

The roof is arguably the most critical component of any building structure, providing shelter, protection, and insulation against ever-changing elements. In commercial settings, where large-scale operations occur daily, the importance of a sturdy and well-maintained roof cannot be overstated. However, like any other part of a building, commercial roofs are subject to wear and tear over time, especially in cities with diverse climates, such as Atlanta.

Atlanta experiences a wide range of weather conditions throughout the year. Temperatures range from 35°F to 89°F, occasionally going below 22°F or above 95°F. The city’s climate poses unique challenges for commercial roofs due to hot and humid summers and cold and wet winters. It may also experience occasional extreme weather, such as heavy rainfall, which can damage even the strongest roofing systems.

Identifying signs of damage and proactive maintenance in commercial roofs is crucial for property owners and facility managers, ensuring a safe and secure environment for employees and customers.

This blog post will delve into the various signs that indicate damage in commercial roofs.

1)  Leaks

Water entering the roof can cause problems like water stains, ceiling damage, and structural issues. Commercial roof leaks can come from damaged shingles, cracks, or poor installation. These issues can disrupt business operations, damage inventory and equipment, and pose safety risks for employees and customers.

When dealing with roof leaks, hiring professional roofing services is essential. Professionals have the expertise to assess the damage, find the cause of the leaks, and offer suitable repair or replacement solutions.

Consider local prices when dealing with roof repairs/replacements. Costs vary by region and city. For instance, the average roof replacement cost is $7,368.00 if you reside in Atlanta.

A localized search is recommended to connect with the most reputable roofing companies. For instance, you can search for Atlanta Roofing Company near me to discover local contractors familiar with your region’s challenges and requirements. This approach allows you to access professionals who understand the local climate, building codes, and industry standards, providing tailored solutions and reliable service.

2)  Blistering

It refers to the formation of bubbles or blisters on the roof’s surface, which can compromise its integrity and lead to further problems. Blistering typically occurs when moisture becomes trapped within the roof layers, causing the roof materials to separate or delaminate. This trapped moisture may stem from poor installation, inadequate ventilation, or excessive moisture infiltration from leaks. As the sun’s heat reaches the roof, the trapped moisture expands, creating pockets of trapped air and causing the roof surface to bubble or blister.

Blistering can lead to more severe damage, including membrane degradation, reduced insulation efficiency, and leaks if left unaddressed. Additionally, blisters can make the roof more susceptible to damage from weather elements such as wind, hail, or debris.

3)  Cracks Or Splits

These visible openings in the roof material can occur for various reasons, such as thermal expansion and contraction, structural movement, or the aging of roofing materials. Cracks or splits can weaken the roof’s integrity and allow water, debris, or pests to penetrate the layers beneath, leading to further deterioration. These openings can be particularly problematic in flat roofs as they create easy entry points for water during rainfall or snowmelt. Over time, the moisture can seep into the underlying structure, compromising its stability and causing costly damage. Additionally, cracks and splits can worsen if left unattended, leading to more extensive repairs or even the need for a complete roof replacement.

4)  Critters

Critters like birds, rodents, and insects can cause damage to commercial roofs, indicating potential vulnerabilities in the building’s structure. They can exploit existing openings or create new entry points, causing extensive harm.

  • Birds may build nests in roof corners, gutters, or ventilation systems, leading to clogs and water buildup.
  • Rodents can chew through roofing materials, insulation, and wiring, posing fire and structural risks.
  • Insects like termites and carpenter ants weaken wooden components, resulting in instability.

The presence of critters on a commercial roof calls for immediate inspection and repair, along with preventive measures like sealing entry points, installing deterrents, and regular roof inspections to prevent further damage.

5)  Pooled Water

Pooled water can result from inadequate roof slopes or drainage systems, blocked gutters or downspouts, or low spots on the roof surface. Over time, this standing water can exert excessive weight on the roof, stressing its structure.

The prolonged presence of pooled water can cause the roofing materials to deteriorate, weakening their ability to provide protection. It can also accelerate the breakdown of protective coatings or membranes, making the roof susceptible to leaks and further damage.

In colder climates, pooled water can freeze and expand, causing cracks. Addressing the issue promptly by improving the roof’s drainage system, correcting the slope, or implementing effective water management strategies is crucial to prevent costly damage and extend the lifespan of the commercial roof.

6)  Increased Energy Costs

A well-maintained and properly insulated roof plays a crucial role in regulating the temperature within a building and reducing energy consumption. However, if there is damage, such as compromised insulation or air leaks, the heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems may have to work harder to maintain a comfortable indoor climate. This increased workload results in higher energy usage, which can be reflected in escalating energy bills.

As the roof’s insulation becomes less effective due to damage, heat can escape during the colder months, requiring additional heating. Similarly, in hot weather, a damaged roof can allow heat to penetrate the building, necessitating greater cooling efforts. Therefore, if there is an unexplained spike in energy costs, it is worth investigating the condition of the commercial roof as a potential source of inefficiency.

7)  Mold Or Mildew Growth

Mold or mildew can often be visually detected as dark patches or discoloration on the roof’s surface. Moreover, a musty odor may be noticeable, signaling the growth of these organisms. Mold and mildew threaten not only the structural integrity of the roof but also the overall indoor air quality.

The spores released by mold can infiltrate the building, leading to potential health issues for occupants, including allergies, respiratory problems, and other adverse effects. If left unchecked, mold and mildew growth can further deteriorate the roof, compromising its durability and potentially causing leaks and water damage.

Therefore, it is crucial to promptly address mold or mildew growth, identify the source of moisture, and take appropriate measures to remediate the issue and prevent its recurrence.


Identifying signs of damage in commercial roofs is crucial for maintaining the structural integrity and longevity of the building. These warning signs should never be ignored, from visible cracks and leaks to sagging or uneven sections. Regular inspections, prompt repairs, and proactive maintenance can help mitigate costly repairs and potential disruptions to business operations. Remember, early detection is key to preventing further damage and ensuring the safety and security of your commercial property.

Read more – “6 Signs It’s Time To Call A Professional Roofing Company”

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