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10 Symptoms Of Mesothelioma You Shouldn’t Ignore

Symptoms Of Mesothelioma

Every year, countless individuals unknowingly expose themselves to asbestos, a silicate material linked to a rare cancer known as mesothelioma. Recognizing the symptoms can mean early detection, a better prognosis, and a chance at improved quality of life.

It’s paramount that individuals arm themselves with the knowledge to ensure early intervention. Here are some of the key symptoms of mesothelioma that should not be overlooked.

1.     Persistent Dry Cough

Many of us experience a dry cough now and then, especially during colder months. But what if it lingers, refusing to go away? Such persistence should raise eyebrows. While we might first reach for our trusty cough syrup, it’s crucial to consider deeper underlying causes.

A continuous dry cough might not just be a stubborn cold. It could hint at a more severe condition like mesothelioma. This rare cancer often forms near the lungs. As a result, the growing tumor irritates its surroundings, causing a persistent cough.

2.     Difficulty Breathing or Shortness of Breath

Breathing effortlessly is something many take for granted. However, unexpected challenges in drawing a deep breath can be alarming. This shortness of breath isn’t just a fleeting discomfort; it might signify a deeper medical concern.

For instance, when tumors begin to form and envelop the lung area, they exert pressure, making each breath an uphill task. One specific type of this malignancy is epithelioid mesothelioma. It is a predominant variant accounting for nearly 70% of all diagnoses.

It primarily affects the lining of the lungs, leading to breathing difficulties. Recognizing such symptoms early and understanding their potential causes is vital for timely medical intervention.

3.     Unexplained Weight Loss

Losing weight without making any dietary or exercise changes can perplex and concern many. Such weight loss isn’t always a cause for celebration. It might be signaling a deeper health issue. While several conditions are linked to unexpected weight loss, mesothelioma is one to watch out for.

This cancer can spike the body’s metabolic rate as it combats the disease. The result? Shedding pounds without even trying. It’s like your body working overtime without you realizing it. So, if the numbers on the scale keep dropping and your routines remain unchanged, don’t brush it off. Consult with a doctor immediately.

4.     Fatigue

We all know the feeling of tiredness after a hectic day. Yet, there’s a kind of fatigue that goes beyond regular weariness. It’s the kind that lingers, making every task seem like a mountain. Such exhaustion can signal your body’s response to a health challenge, such as mesothelioma.

When the body confronts serious conditions, it commits extra energy and resources to combat them. This internal fight drains us, leading to persistent fatigue. If you find yourself constantly drained without a clear reason, it’s essential to consider your health and see a doctor.

5.     Chest Pain or Pain Under the Rib Cage

When we feel a twinge in our chest or beneath the ribs, our first thought might be a pulled muscle or maybe even heartburn. However, such pain can have more sinister roots. Mesothelioma, a severe health condition, often manifests through tumors in the chest region.

As these tumors enlarge, they exert pressure on nearby areas, causing pain and discomfort. This isn’t the everyday ache you can shrug off. It’s consistent, bothersome, and can escalate. Recognizing this difference is vital.

If you experience such persistent pain without an apparent cause, don’t just chalk it up to overexertion. Instead, consult a doctor to rule out serious underlying issues.

6.     Lumps Under the Skin on the Chest

We often disregard minor changes in our bodies, thinking they’re harmless. Lumps under the skin, though seemingly benign, might be signaling deeper concerns. When lumps form on the chest, it’s possible they stem from underlying tumor growth. Mesothelioma is one condition where tumors can manifest as such lumps.

7.     Swelling or Fluid Build-Up in the Abdomen

A bloated belly isn’t always a result of a hearty meal or indigestion. Sometimes, it signals more concerning health issues. Ascites is one such condition where the abdomen swells due to fluid accumulation. It’s not just about feeling full or uncomfortable.

The underlying cause can be more severe. Mesothelioma patients often grapple with this, especially when tumors develop in the abdominal area. The tumors can lead to this fluid build-up, causing physical and emotional distress.

8.     Night Sweats or Fever

We all have off nights where we might feel unusually warm or wake up drenched in sweat. Yet, persistent night sweats or recurring fevers shouldn’t be ignored. These symptoms might be the body’s alarm bell, signaling an internal battle against diseases like mesothelioma.

It’s the body’s way of raising the red flag, hinting at something amiss. While these signs alone don’t confirm mesothelioma, combined with other symptoms, they can be more revealing. It’s always wise to keep an eye on such changes, especially if they don’t fit the usual pattern.

9.     Difficulty Swallowing

Eating is a basic human need, often enjoyed without a second thought. Yet, for some, the simple act of swallowing becomes a difficult challenge. This isn’t just a mere inconvenience. In certain situations, this difficulty can hint at underlying health issues, such as the presence of tumors near the esophagus.

When these growths press on this vital passageway, they hinder the smooth transition of food, making each meal a struggle. It’s not a symptom to ignore. Instead, those experiencing it should seek prompt medical attention.

10.  Nausea, Vomiting, and Constipation

Navigating through a day with feelings of nausea or instances of vomiting can be incredibly challenging. For some, these symptoms, accompanied by constipation, may be dismissed as signs of a minor ailment or digestive upset. However, in the context of mesothelioma, they take on a more significant meaning.

As tumors develop and grow, especially in the abdominal region, they can press against the stomach, intestines, or other digestive organs. This pressure can disrupt the function of the digestive system, leading to nausea, vomiting, and constipation.

Additionally, the body’s reaction to the tumor might release certain chemicals that impact the gut’s function.


Mesothelioma presents varied symptoms that can often be overlooked or misinterpreted. While some, like chest pain or lumps, are more pronounced, others, such as digestive disruptions, might be subtler. These respiratory or digestive symptoms are the body’s alarm signals.

It’s essential not to dismiss them as mere inconveniences. Early detection can make a significant difference in managing mesothelioma. Always prioritize health and seek medical advice when persistent or unusual symptoms arise.

Also, Read – 6 Reasons To Hire A Lawyer for A Mesothelioma Case

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